Sunday, January 27, 2008

NAFRE JAN ANDOLAN is organizing People’s Right March at national level for strengthening the peoples unity and it strives towards establishing a equitable and just society. Therefore our slogan is “NAFRE KI AWAZ – SAMTAMULAK HO SAMAJ” (voice of Nafre is seeking for equitable society). Nafre People’s Movement is seeking to unite various struggles who are working for establishing a Secular Democracy and are ready to take various challenges and mobilizing the oppressed and exploited communities towards a larger unity of people’s movement. NAFRE peoples movement is working towards unity of the various oppressed communities and the nationalities to established peoples sovereignty.
Presently Nation is are going through a serious crisis and it is also politically visible that all the Political parties and their coalition are having the same agenda of development. The present development process is favoring the capitalist class and exploit ting the working class ( Dalit, Adivasi, minorities and other oppressed class). The policies and rules of governance are being implemented for the benefit of the capitalist and middle class at the cost of the exploitation of Dalit, Adivasis, minorites and other oppressed community. NAFRE peoples movement believes that in this situation movement can not be a more spectator but will also have to play an vital role in creating a new history. – i.e. Nafre has already taken a stance to oppose the imperialist globalization which is not only posing threat to the sovereignty of the country, but also is narrowing the right to survival of the people.
In this situation, Nafre has decided to go to the common mass and uniting them to develop a long struggle to win, to build a New India. Decisive time has come to demolish imperialism. In today Indian farmers and oppressed communities are openly opposing the policy of SEZ, which was been reflected in Kalinganagar and Nandigram. It clearly tells that the people of India are against the development induced displacement policy. These struggles have given clear cut message to the governments in no case they are going to give their lands. SEZ is basically a process to promote neo-colonialism. So, there is a much protest against that. Presently, we need a alternative model of Development. The Present Mode of Development is based on exploitation of human and nature. The struggles against SEZ is basically a demand for democracy where decision should lie in the hands of the people. Displacement is just a nightmare of the entire process, till now, almost six crores people who have been displaced have not been rehabilitated, nor there is any improvement in their living conditions. Presently the process of development is creating more slaves in the society, So Nafre peoples movement is opposing the entire present development paradigm and demanding for peoples upliftment , pro people development and Technology. Nafre Peoples Movement has continuously opposed forces of Communal Fascism and exposed the link of the imperialism and communal fascism.
The movement believes to have INDIA to bloom with the various diversities by the smell and colours of the thousand flowers. So it should takes the side in the politics of Union of Peoples.

Nafre peoples movement is ready to make any sacrifice to maintain the culture of secularism. We believe that to protect Child Rights there has to be a equality in the social, cultural and political aspects. So, Common School System and Education for all’ is the basic belief of Nafre and is visualizing a wider spectrum by taking peoples struggles towards this direction. Any form of Democracy without equality is a False democracy like that without social and economic equality, we cannot establish common school system, because the movement on Education is basically a cultural liberation of the people. Our movement is determined to demolish the patriarcal and Brahmanical structure of the Society. As we know that there are so many places in our country is under the control of police and army and it is also well known that the places where army governs the rule, there are extreme violation of people’s right as it was seen in military rule and in the period of emergency in history of nation. The people of Manipur are under the control of army since long and people of the state has lost the right and freedom of expression due to the
imposition of Special Arms force Act. Where army governs the rule not the people. The day on which the women of Manipur nakedly demonstrated before the army headquarter in Manipur that is the black day in our democracy. NAFRE JAN Andolan demands for repeal of Special Arms Force Act in Manipur and we demands for people’s democracy in State.

Through this Jana haque YATRA (Peoples Right March) Nafre will try to unite the oppressed peoples movement for building a mass unity and a strong people’s struggle against imperialism, feudalism and to fight against all the sources and powers which is creating gaps and inequity in the society. We appeal to all struggles to come forward and unite for strengthening the people’s movement against the imperialism and fascism forces. lets come together and join hands to defeat the neo imperialistic forces.

Nafre has taken the vow to demolish all the exploitation and inequitable forces, untill and unless that status is attained…., Nafre will continue to Struggle and will follow the path shown by martyr’s to establish peoples equitable Democracy. The ruling alliances NDA and UPA including left front are also being exposed in the era of imperialism that no more they are progressive and they are committed to promote the fascist character in so called bourgeoisie democracy. It became clear that social democracy is not in their political agenda.

So NAFRE Peoples Movement by realizing its accountability has vowed to struggle with people to establish peoples sovereignty.
  • Oppose SEZ at any cost, as it is a process of Neocolonialism.
  • Neither we will give up life nor land – This is peoples slogan against the development induced displacement policy.
  • Demolish New Imperialistic, Patriarchal & Brahminical structure.
  • Demolish all the forces of communal fascism.
  • Repeal of Arms force Special Power Act
  • Demolish the Fascist forces emerged out of the anti people development process.
  • Implement common school system.
  • Protect and ensure Child Rights

Partners : Voice for Child Rights, Orissa, Voice of People Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh Jan Adhikar Manch, Buniyadi Adhikar Andolan, Gujrat, State Alliance for Right to Education, Karnataka, West Bengal Education Network, Tamilnadu State Alliance for Right to Education, Janamunettam, Kerala, CREJ- Jharkhand, Manipur Alliance for Child Rights, Bihar Lok Adhikar Manch, Dilli Bal Adhikar Manch, Bal Hak Abhiyan- Maharastra, Jan Morcha-Rajsthan
Organized by :

Nafre People’s Movement

House No.558, Plot No. 68-A, New Jagruti Colony, near NIT garden, Katol Road, Nagpur- 440013, Maharastra, Phone : +91-7122571145, Email :,, Website

Nafre People’s Movement

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